

Israel Advocacy skills training: January-February 2017

Staying on Message


An expert from Israel will help you perfect your Israel
advocacy skills in February


You may have been distracted by the elections…


…but Israel’s enemies have remained on message.Ismamists on message

While the world’s leading democracy has been trying to decide what kind of leadership it wants (and the rest of the world has been trying to make sense of it) those who hate the Jewish people and their state have been focused on their message of hate. Wrapping themselves in the false flags of human rights or conservative values, they have taken antisemitism out of the lunatic fringe of western politics and are attempting to spread it to rational people.

It’s our job to keep antisemitism in the dark and distant corner where it belongs.

The skills you need to succeed

When Israel’s supporters work skillfully and consistently they have
proven that they can effectively stem the tide of BDS and other
manifestations of Jew hatred. But to be effective our advocates need to be well informed and, even more importantly, have the skills to use their knowledge successfully.

With more than three decades of experience teaching Israel advocacy skills to supporters of Israel around the world, I can be an important resource to your community.

I will be in North America from at the beginning of February, running
Israel advocacy skills training workshops for campus and community
groups who want to upgrade their abilities to advocate for Israel. Among those who have profited from my workshops are

  • Israel’s diplomats and emissaries,
  • the staff of major Jewish organizations,
  • Jewish Federations and JCRCs, as well as
  • student and community activists around the world.

Subjects covered include:

  • Why is it so hard to get people to accept our messages? How can we make them compelling? Learn about CENTRAL versus PERIPHERAL PROCESSING OF INFORMATION and ANALYTICS versus HEURISTICS.
  • CONCEPTUAL FRAMING: How to go off the defensive and seize the initiative.
  • CAMPAIGNING: How to move from events to sustained campaigns.

Dates and details

I’ll be in North America from January 29 through February 8,
2017. If you would like me to visit your, community, organization or
school, please be in touch regarding fees, available dates and

(NEW WORKSHOP! For the first time ever on an
overseas trip I’m going to be offering hands-on training in public
speaking. Details are here.)

David Olesker
Jerusalem Center for Communication and Advocacy Training
Training advocates for Israel and public speakers for over three decades
POB 2534 · Jerusalem 91024 · Israel
Tel. +972-2-651-2610 · Fax +972-77-470-2844
e-mail: jccat@iname.com · Website · About.me · LinkedIn · Facebook

David’s workshop brings a new and thoughtful perspective to advocacy. His presentation on having the information to advocate, techniques to convey the information, and a forum to advocate in, equips communities with the tools they need to become effective Israel advocates.

Carol Brick-Turin, Director
Jewish Community Relations Council, Greater Miami Jewish Federation

In my 25 years of work with media, communications, education and training within the Jewish community, I have met no one who does what David does even half as well.

Of the plethora of Jewish- and Israel-oriented educational programming I have implemented in forty states and a dozen other countries, David Olesker’s programs were the ones students most told me they found to have fundamentally changed and enhanced their understanding.

Alan Oirich
Director of Production at Shalom TV

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