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David Olesker has three decades of practical experience training advocates for Israel. He can help you develop the skills necessary to run a successful campaign, communicate effectively and take back control of the discourse about the Middle East.


Upcoming Trips


North America, Winter 2017

If you are already planning your activities for after the summer, you should know that David Olesker plans to be in the US and Canada in the winter of 2018. Dates are not yet finalized, but please be in touch if you are interested in bringing Mr. Olesker to you community, campus or organization during that period.

UK, 2019

We are also working on a followup tour of grassroots pro-Israel groups in Britain further to the successful one in April and May of 2018. Dates are not yet set and will depend upon the response to a crowdfunding campaign we are going to be re-launching soon. I’ll post details here as more information becomes available.



Successful advocacy for Israel requires three things:

  • Information
  • Skills
  • A forum to advocate in.
Information Sources on Israel and the Middle East

Here are some links to websites that will keep you up to date on the information you need.

Organizations Working with Students on Israel Advocacy



  • NSW Jewish Board of Deputies (Australia)
  • UIA Australia
  • Jewish Community Council of Western Australia (Perth)
  • State Zionist Council of Victoria (Melbourne)
  • Zionist Federation of Australia
  • Zionist Federation of New Zealand



  • Board of Deputies of British Jews
  • Zionist Federation (UK)
  • Zionist Central Council of Greater Manchester (UK)
  • UJS (Union of Jewish Students of the UK and Republic of Ireland)
  • Israel Information Centre (UK)
  • Jewish communities of Copenhagen (Denmark) Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo (Sweden), Helsinki (Finland).



  • ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith)
  • CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Mid-East Reporting in America)
  • Hasbara Fellowships
  • JCRCs (Jewish Community Relations Councils)
  • Jewish Federations
  • JNF (the Jewish National Fund)
  • Stand With Us
  • State of Israel Bonds
  • USD-Hagshama (University Services Department of World Zionist Organization)
  • Students on more than 500 campuses



  • International Institute of the Histadrut
  • The IDF Spokesman’s Office
  • The Foreign Ministry
  • Ministry of Defense
  • Ministry of Police
  • Ministry of Tourism
  • Schools, Universities, and Yeshivot
  • UJC and KHY missions
  • WZO Course for schlichim
  • WZO Information Department
  • WZO Hagshama Department
  • WZO Education Department
  • Hundreds of youth and adult groups visiting Israel
  • UJC and Keren HaYesod Missions visiting Israel

About David Olesker


David is the founder and director of JCCAT: Jerusalem Center for Communication and Advocacy Training. A former student leader in the UK, David has become one of the world’s top advocacy trainers. He works with students, community activists and the staff of professional Israel advocacy organizations around the world. His clients have included major organizations such as the ADL, as well as grassroots groups. Based in Jerusalem, David Olesker travels often to North America and other countries.

What Is Advocacy


Advocacy is the art of presenting a case—in a court of law, in the media, or just to a friend or colleague. Lawyers, journalists, and other effective advocates are trained in specialized communications skills, and advocates for Israel also need specialized skills in order to defend Israel’s image and promote the truth about the Middle East.

The Jerusalem Center for Communication and Advocacy Training (JCCAT) is a communications training and consulting service that specializes in serving the pro-Israel community. Under its director, David Olesker, its workshops have assisted a wide range of groups, including Israel’s Foreign Ministry and major Jewish Organizations on five continents.

J.C.C.A.T’s advocacy training workshops teach supporters of Israel how to:

  • understand how perceptions of Israel are formed
  • appreciate the problem of negative perceptions
  • present a new, positive image

We achieve these goals by teaching the most advanced forms of:

  • media relations
  • debate skills
  • counter propaganda techniques